Voice & Data Systems与Zultys建立独特的战略合作伙伴关系

September 6th, 2023 by admin


领先的管理技术服务 提供商(MTSP)利用统一 Communications & Integrated Contact Center to Strengthen Customer Relationships

OMAHA, NE AND COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA – Voice & Data Systems, a leading Managed Technology Service 提供商(MTSP),今天宣布 他们的战略伙伴关系 Zultys正在帮助他们为小公司服务 to mid-sized businesses (SMBs) 并利用最新的新兴市场 technology in unified communications. Zultys, a pioneer in unified communications and 综合呼叫中心(ICC) technology is helping SMBs to 提高客户参与度 通过给他们配备最 高度先进和最好的支持 统一通信系统 the market. Through this collaboration, Voice & Data Systems ensures that SMBs have 他们需要的技术工具 精简操作,增加 实时协作,高效 manage high call volume, drive brand loyalty, and improve the overall customer service experience.

最大的挫折之一 面对今天的球队在现代 职场是多么具有挑战性啊 可以有效地合作吗 with one another. With organizations comprised of a combination of hybrid workers, 远程员工,办公室团队, 跨部门项目,忙碌 executives, and everyone using 自己喜欢的设备,往往可以实时协作 elusive, at best. However, one of 最简单,但最有效的方法 处理这个问题的方法是 让所有人统一行动 communications platform that 同步所有工作场所的通信,让每个人 总是“意见一致”吗 default. Voice & Data Systems has established this impactful 与Zultys合作是因为 their unique technology that empowers work teams to 无缝协作,所以有 no lag time in communication 再现了“在职”的节奏 of communication. Zultys’ mobile 应用程序和桌面应用程序使用户 打音频电话,视频电话, 视频会议,发送即时 消息,指示它们的可用性 通过“在场”,记录呼叫 training purposes, utilize 甚至利用其他软电话 高级呼叫中心功能来自 their own preferred devices. 基本上,通过这种合作,Voice & Data Systems 现在已经有能力提升了 通讯基础设施 任何中小型企业 他们一起工作,一起呈现 与《jdb电子夺宝平台》100强企业的形象相同 enterprise. For as long as Voice & 数据系统公司已经开始营业了 他们一直专注于寻找 领先的通信工具 which eliminate all “friction points” that prevent rapid collaboration between business owners, employees and their customers.

“我们很高兴成为合作伙伴 因为祖提人的强大 史蒂夫·索特尔说道, President of Voice & Data Systems. “Our job is to constantly 寻找最好的新兴技术 available and to establish partnerships that can give our 客户持久竞争 advantage. Business technology is 这是一个快速发展的行业, with many startups coming and going, however, Zultys has 经受住了时间的考验,因为 他们知道要做什么 thrive in this space. One core value 我们的共同点是我们让 needs of our customers drive 创新,而不是添油加瓦 还有不必要的哨声. Zultys上的所有功能 系统因为企业而存在 主人要了,他们就来了 想出一个jdb电子平台试玩来帮助他们 以最高效的方式合作 manner possible. The synergy in company culture between our 组织,除了他们的 急于过度交付给我们 customers, is what made them stand out as a partner to us. We’re 很高兴有这么强大的UC system with which we can empower our customers,” added Sawtell.

In today’s world, customers 需要能够即时连接 with brands they love and that means the underlying communications technology needs 能够保持无缝过渡. “Far too many modern businesses have advanced communications 在某些领域的能力 业务(如健壮的呼叫中心) 比如,通话录音,静音 班长,"找我,跟着我"呼叫 rerouting, etc.) however, those features don’t carry over when 员工需要合作 real-time,” added Sawtell. When we deploy Zultys, we can make everything seamless so team members can remain flawlessly connected whether they’re 从移动电话过渡到 video conferences to instant messages and they don’t want to 丢掉关键功能,仅仅因为它们 switched interfaces.

Over the years, another way Voice & Data Systems has 实现了客户忠诚度 by earning client trust. This comes 从不断寻找方法到 尽可能促成最好的交易 与合作伙伴的利益 clients. Voice & Data Systems has earned its strong customer 关系不仅仅是通过寻找 "同类最佳"的jdb电子平台试玩 他们的客户,也通过非常 selective and only establishing 与那些 are extremely efficient. One small, yet clarifying example, is how 祖尔提斯已经设法削减了税收 并将成本回收费用降到最低 这个行业的利率 Voice & Data Systems more room 为最终用户降低最终成本.

Organizations choose Voice & 数据系统,因为他们能够 始终如一地提供卓越的服务 customer experience. When you 整合创新资源 一家大型企业与Voice这样的“高接触”合作伙伴的合作 & Data Systems, something special happens. Oftentimes business owners have specialized needs 从他们的统一通信 系统和需要是非常高层的 的技术专长,以确定 whether or not the underlying 技术可以传递重要的信息 功能,比如即时协作 via a secure link that allows 办到/音频/视频通话 with people outside of your organization, for example. “Most enterprise manufacturers may 为经销商提供培训和 支持门户,但很少 你要找一个愿意这么做的伴侣 jump on a sales call with you. It’s extremely powerful when you no 不再需要说“让我看看” 然后再回复你,但是 相反,你有一个高度熟练的 坐在你旁边的专家 能传递那种粒度级别的 让客户明白,让他们拥有一切 他们需要的信息 an immediate decision. That level 时间投入就是其中之一 区分因素 好伙伴来自伟大的和 最终,这是我们在寻找的东西 我们的伙伴关系,”索特尔说. While Voice & Data Systems may 偶尔分享一下关于的轶事 Zultys惊人的经销商水平 支持,这是由他们支持的 100% onshore (not outsourced) customer support team with an average hold time of only 17 秒,哪能使一切 difference during a customer installation.

Sawtell concluded, “These 伙伴关系的类型也很重要 much because they help our 客户解决问题,这是 我们的核心任务是 day. Our obligation is to ensure we 找到最好的合作伙伴,这样我们的客户 保持密切jdb电子夺宝平台 their clients. There are tiny margins 在今天的市场和 拥有如此高的技能和更多 重要的是,高度敬业的团队 我们可以提供随叫随到的专家 一流的客户体验.”

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